Kuka minä olen?
Hellou! Tervetuloa tänne Koulutuupparin luo.

Olen Ronja (tai “Toffzen”, ihan miten haluat), 17 vuotias nuorukainen joka opiskelee hevosenhoitajaksi ja siinä sivu suun luen lukiota. Asun asuntolassa viikoisin, ratsastanut siitä saakka että vanhemmat heitti minut ponin selkään noin kolme vuotiaana. Muita harrastuksia on valokuvaaminen (kuvaan Nikon D60 järjestelmäkamerallani), kalpamiekkailu (tauolla nyt opiskelujen takia) ja musiikki.

Ota yhteyttä: koulutuuppari @ live.com
- Ei mainoksia, kiitos!

Hae blogissa.

Uusimmat kirjoitukset.
» Jösse laitumella
» Bilemekko syksyksi
» together forever

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» Albedo
» Blogista
» Esteitä
» Hyviä harjoituksia
» Julian Jösse
» Kuvatuksia
» Tuuppailua
» Yleistä

» Augusti 2011
» Juli 2011
» Juni 2011
» Maj 2011

» Dressyrmupparna
» Flow job
» Janinas

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Jösse laitumella

Päivämäärä: 2011-07-12 Aika: 21:33:04 | Kategoria: Julian Jösse
Kommentteja: Kommentoi! (0) | Takaisin ylös.

Sh-r. Julian Jösse

Kuvat ottanut Ronja Larsson 11.7.2011 Nikon D60 järjestelmäkameralla.

Kopiointi täysin kielletty! Kuvien käyttäminen virtuaalitalleilla/samantyyppisillä sivustoilla kielletty.

Bilemekko syksyksi

Päivämäärä: 2011-07-08 Aika: 21:12:08 | Kategoria: Yleistä
Kommentteja: Kommentoi! (2) | Takaisin ylös.

Auta minua voittamaan, äänestä mekkoani täällä!


Tämä ei nyt liity hevosteluun, mutta äänestä mekkoani ja pistä tämä eteenpäin! :)

together forever

Päivämäärä: 2011-07-06 Aika: 23:07:12 | Kategoria: Yleistä
Kommentteja: Kommentoi! (1) | Takaisin ylös.

Joo, tämä nyt ei mitenkään liity hevosteluun mutta katso mitä löysin. Vanhan novellin minkä olin kirjoittanut vuonna 2009 haha... Kopioiminen kielletty!

The snowcover was resting on the otherwise so dark roads. The branches were covered with white, glittering snow and the trees were almoust hanging to the ground by the weight of the snow. Everything was so peaceful, so quiet and beautiful. The sun was just on it's way down, stunningly beautiful. Then the streetlight's blinked and soon the roads were lighted up for the driver's once again.

But everything wasen't fabulous. The usually so terse man shed big tears on his little girl's pink winterjacket. The man was crying silently. He turned towards the girl as much he could and squeezed her hand, wiped away a blond curl from her little cute face. The snowcover on the car-roof became thicker, and the heat began to slowly subside. The man shivered and gave off the most heart-rending scream, before he covered his face with his hands, and started to cry hysterically. The only thing he wanted now, was to be saved.

The girl's face was striped with tears. Slowly the tears started to wipe off, to solidify. Her otherwise so red lips were about to lose their warm color, her mouth was just a thin line now. Her eyelashes glued themselves to her drying cheeks. She looked so calm, as she sat strapped into the childseat in the back of the car.

The man raised his head, once again trying to get a little bit closer the girl and reach the girl's other hand. But he didn't succeed. He took her hand ans squeezed it hardly. It was now he noticed the thin peripheral blood coming from his own head, witch slowly became larger. He touched his head with one hand, and got blood on his fingertips. He didn't seem to care. Once again he shivered and then began to softly hum on a familiar show. The girl didn't react, she looked peaceful like before.

A shrill sound broked the silence in the car. The man raised his eyes and tried to look at the road outside. The snow obscured the visibility, but the lightblue light coming from the sirens of a ambulance couldn't be ignored just like that. He whispered "- The help is here, they are taking us to safety now my dear." to the girl on the seat behind. He promised her that everything would be all right again, that they soon are going to sit home and laugh around the dinner table. She looked at him from above and smiled.

Someone dried the car's front window with a glove. It was now the man discovered a red spot on the car's front window, it must have come from when he hit his head in the window before. A man in full protective attires signed something to him, but he couldn't understand what he was saying. Soon he saw the tailgate window to shatter through the rearview mirror, and the voices from outside became clearer. He shouted "- Help my daughter first, please save her!" to the man outside, but he didn't listen to him.

The door of the passenger side was sawed up with violence and the man was drawn out by it, afraid he stretched himself after the girl, he let out a shriek and began to cry violently. Two ambulance men in uniforms checked him quickly, exchanged a few words, and decided to lead him into the ambulance. They putted a blanket over his broad, shavering shoulders and let him sit in the ambulance.

The man's eyes were empty, as if someone just torn out his soul. One of the ambulance men's disappeared and after a while he came back with the girl in his arms, wrapped into a blanket. Soon afterwards they heard a huge bang and a flash of light filled the air around them. The girl's facial expression was as peaceful as in the car before. The ambulance man with the girl raised his eyes from the girl, looked at his colleague and shaked his head in silence. Then he handled the little body to the girl's father and said "- I'm so sorry...".

Gently he took his girl in his arms, hugged her tightly and let the tears just gush down. Never had anyone seen him so torn before, never had he proved so weak. He had just lost his daughter, he had just realized it. He took her small hand in his, closed his fingers around it placed a kiss on her forehead. "- I will always love you darling..." was the only thing he could say.

Then they took the girl's dead body away from him. Against his will he let one of the ambulance men's take his daughter. He gave her one last loving look and for the first time he felt the chill in the air that surrounded him. The snow was pouring down and the wind whistlening trough the trees. He shivered and hear his little daughter's laugh inside of him, he could see her shining eyes and her rosy cheeks when he closed his eyes. He could remember her words; "- I love you daddy! You're the best!". Never again would he see her play on the backyard of their house, never again would he hear those loving words. And everything was his own fault, if he just should have seen the deer a little bit previous, just one tenth seconds faster and she might have been alive...

He heard the door close and felt that the ambulance began to roll away on the road. He closed his eyes and felt a tremendous pressure in his chest. Suddenly it was like all the time stopped, he could look down on himself from above. He could see his lifeless body been surrounded of one doctor and two nurses, he became associated with a lot of machines and got syringes and heart massage. His heartbeat should have been seen on the cardiac film machine's screen next to him, but it just beeped constantly and only a straight line could been seen on the screen. Nothing affected. The doctor sighed, took off his plastic gloves and looked at his watch. "- Time of death, 22:22. Probably a heart attack. Drive him to the hospital for one last check." the doctor said. And the ambulance started to roll by the road again.

The quietness was heavenly. Not a sound! He looked around, he was dressed in a white shirt and shorts. It was summer. The sun was shining high in the sky and the cherry tree with it pink flowers were the most beautiful. The grass were green and the stream was so quiet a bit from were he was. The birds were singing beautifully. He raised his eyes, looked to the other side of the meadow. There the girl came running, wearing a white dress with a floral wreath in her blond hair. She laughed her affectionate laughter and she had a dragon in her hand, witch fluttered in the wind several meters above her curls, and was flunging to and fro.

The man got up, reached his arms against the girl and lift the running girl up in his strong arms. The girl let him embrace her. He looked at her and smiled. "- Honey, I love you, and you know I always will!" he whispered in her little ear. The girl giggled and kissed her dad on the cheeck, "- I know daddy, I love you to, and I promise I'll never leave you again! You and me forever!".